Only 6 days until Christmas and I am having the usual angst about not being ready. I am not one of those people who makes lists of things to do. I buy things throughout the year and hide them only to discover them months after Christmas in their hiding places. Wrapping is getting harder and harder every year...I can't sit on the floor to do it any more. So, I do it on the bed so that I can stand and do it. (Why didn't I think of this years ago???) Massoud also remembered that he gets free wrapping on gifts from Macys. It is great to have gifts wrapped in really pretty papers with pretty ribbons on them but it took them almost 2 hours while he waited for them to get the job done.....I know, we should have thought of it when we bought the gifts!
My Sister-in-law is here from Iran with her husband. They are staying for 5 weeks...until New Year's eve, but at the moment they are in San Francisco visiting relatives and seeing the sights. Massoud was going to take me with but I declined. Now, with so much to do I am glad I stayed behind. Need to get my visiting teaching done and prepare a lesson for Sunday! AAAAHHHH! Do I sound a bit concerned???